Work to stabilize taxes for residents. With most of Manville already built out, there are only two decent-sized lots remaining: Rustic Mall & the Borough-owned property by the library. Rustic Mall already has had plans proposed, but they do not maximize the potential tax ratables that this property could generate. For the property by the library, if Borough services aren't to be relocated there, housing should be considered to be built on this land.

Property assessments are also an important issue. Residents continue to see year-over-year assessment increases, and there is disparity in the assessments when you compare similar properties. Work to ensure that the process is fair for both residential and commercial properties.


Flooding is a major concern for Manville's residents. Open discussions with the State of NJ to reconsider their decision to end the HARP (Homeowner Assistance & Recovery Program) program for Manville. We do realize not all homes should be raised, depending on location, but a blanket cancellation of the program for all of Manville is not in the best interests of residents.

Work with the county, state, and federal officials to bring programs to Manville to assist us with flooding concerns. Such as mitigation programs, stormwater management, etc.


Residents are concerned with people driving too fast on our Borough roads. Speed limits were recently reduced on Main Street, which is a step in the right direction. Work with the Police to ensure that traffic laws and speed limits are strictly enforced. This keeps roads safer, and will cause drivers to drive slower on our roadways.

Residents are concerned about night-time safety, such as going out to the store, or taking a walk at night. Seeing more police patrolling on the roads would make residents feel safer in town at night.


We need full time staffing at Borough Hall to able to serve the public, our taxpayers. Residents shouldn't be told they need to make an appointment and come back to take care of their business. Residents are constantly complaining calls aren't returned, staff isn't available, and their concerns are not responded to. Taxpayers deserve adequate and satisfactory service at Borough Hall.


Residents need a transparent Borough Council. Council Meetings should have all attachments (resolutions, ordinances, paying of bills) provided online before the meeting so residents have a chance to review them before the meeting takes place.

Despite complying with the Sunshine Law on special council meetings, have more notification methods of special meetings. This will encourage residents to attend, and be aware of any special meetings that are scheduled.


It shouldn't matter what political party your Mayor and Council are, you must always work together for the common good of the community. This also applies to Manville's higher level officials at the County, State, and Federal level.

In order to get results for Manville, we must all work together. If you don't work together, progress becomes stagnant, and things simply don't get done. Residents are the ones who lose out when our elected officials refuse to work together for our constituents.


Consider bringing back events for our small businesses, such as Sidewalk Sale Days. It would help bring sales to our local businesses, bring out residents to support our businesses, and support the community.

Partner with businesses to do art displays, such as holiday art window displays. This would encourage people to come shop, view the displays, and come together as a community.